This action packed release from the anime series Beyblade: Metal Fusion - a spin-off from the original Beyblade series includes episodes from the entire 1st season, following the story of Gingka, a heroic fighter with a group of talented friends, who fights the evil forces of the Dark Nebula.
Beyblade: Metal Fusion 1
⋅ CONTENTS: The Set Includes 3 Burst Battle Tops (L-Drag...
⋅ 【Brand : KAVCENT】This Blades is from a third party manufa...
⋅ 【Package Included】1 x yellow beystadium. as shown in the picture ( p...
⋅ 【High Quality Material】Metal and plastic. You can feel the fun of fighting in the gam...
⋅ Voice commands using the DS microphone
⋅ 2 player Battle Mode competition via the Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection or wirelessly using one Game Card!
⋅ Supported with Beyblade enhancement function based on experience
⋅ Wi-Fi competition/ranking supported